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Welcome Chicagoland Jewish Organizations

Hi there. My name is David and I'm your Torah Tech Guy. I can't wait to see you all for our three-part session presented by the Technical Assistance Collaborative: "When Torah Meets Tech: Broadcasting and Multicasting."
Tuesday, June 15 at 12:30pm "The BIG Picture"
Thursday, June 24 at 10:30am "Getting it Done"
Tuesday, June 29 at 12:30pm "The Essential E's"
We'll be focusing on what our goals are in the digital realm and how broadcasting and/or multicasting will help us reach those goals. We will explore specific tips, tools, gear, and apps to help us reach and meaningfully engage our online daveners and learners.
If you would like some personal attention and assistance, please reach out. You can find a time to meet with me one-on-one or with your leadership group to plan or troubleshoot here. I'm happy to help.

RSVP below and come back here to join our sessions
While you're waiting, check out my guide, broadcasts, gear, apps, and resources. Everything here is meant to help you share your great TORAH!
The BIG Picture, June 15
Getting it Done, June 24
The Essential E's, June 29
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